We are two weeks away as excitement builds towards the opening ceremonies to launch the National Summer Games (#SO2018) in Antigonish, Nova Scotia on July 31st. Amid the excitement we are reminded by our Athlete, Patrick that Special Olympics is an experience that is transformational and life changing. Patrick has accepted the challenge as a golfer and more! Meet Patrick and Cassidy.
We Challenge You To Drop Into A Tim Hortons to Support on the Day of Inclusion!
We are inspired every day by our Athletes as they prepare to be on the field to compete. They have accepted the challenge and strive for their personal best. Enjoy the CTV Atlantic interview as we are getting ready for the challenge for #SO2018. July 21st is the national day of inclusion for Special Olympics to celebrate all we have in common and support all we strive for.
Join us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with the #ChooseToInclude hashtag to share and celebrate. Send us your inclusion selfies as you enjoy the Special Olympics Sprinkled Donut!