Special Olympics Nova Scotia
100-371 St. Margarets Bay Road
Halifax, NS B3N 1J8
Phone: (902) 429-2266
Special Olympics is a volunteer based organization and welcomes volunteers of all ages and commitment levels. Volunteers can make the most impact by volunteering for one of our weekly sport programs, joining a regional committee or simply volunteering at an event such as our summer games.
In Nova Scotia we have 15 Regions that host their own weekly programs. Amherst, Eastern Highlands, Annapolis, Pictou County, Cape Breton, Cobequid, Sackville Bedford, Halifax, Dartmouth, Kings County, Shelburne, Clare, Digby, Lunenburg/Queens, and Yarmouth.
Special Olympics Nova Scotia:
Michael Greek, CEO – mgreek@specialolympicsns.ca – (902) 429-2266 x 1
Matt Quinn, Director of Sports & Programs – mquinn@specialolympicsns.ca – (902) 429-2266 x 2
John MacDonald, Director, Business Development and Marketing – jmacdonald@specialolympicsns.ca – (902) 429-2266 x 5
Krista Wadman, Director of Events, Communication and Youth Sport – kwadman@specialolympicsns.ca – (902) 429-2266 x 4
Rachel Skanes, Youth Development Coordinator– rskanes@specialolympicsns.ca – (902) 429-2266 x 3