Special Olympics Unified Sport ® is built upon the premise that in order to have the greatest impact the change process needs to start with young people. Unified Sport brings youth with and without intellectual disabilities together through education, sports and related initiatives that provide them with the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to create and sustain school communities that promote the acceptance, respect and human dignity for all students.
Inclusive School Based Sport Clubs
These clubs provide students with and without intellectual disabilities opportunities to participate in sports activities alongside one another. These programs have found to be among the most conducive activity for breaking down stereotypes. It is the combination of students working together that provides the most opportunity for creating positive school climates and to ensuring that all students, particularly those with ID, become part of the social fabric of the school.
Outcomes & Successes
- Students without disabilities hold more positive attitudes toward their peers with intellectual disabilities.
- School communities of acceptance where students with intellectual disabilities feel welcome and are routinely included in, and feel a part of, all school activities, opportunities and functions.
- Perception of Special Olympics as a school and community partner that offers programming that benefits all students.
- More students with and without intellectual disabilities playing inclusive sports
- More students with an intellectual disabilities participating in physical activity
- Currently in Nova Scotia there are over 35 high schools actively running programs with over 600 student participants.
For further information please contact Special Olympics Nova Scotia
Matt Quinn – Director of Sport & Programs