We are less than one week away from the 2nd Annual Polar Plunge event. I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you what inspires me to volunteer my time to fund raise for Special Olympics Nova Scotia.
As with many of the officers who volunteer, it is quite often a friend or a family member who is directly impacted by the volunteer work that we do. For me, it is my daughter, Erika, who inspires me. Erika was born with a chromosomal abnormality called Triple X Syndrome, causing a lifelong mental disability. From an early age, Erika has received the support necessary to help her live a healthy and fulfilling life. One of those supports has thankfully been Special Olympics Nova Scotia.
I have been fortunate not only to be a part of Special Olympics personally but also professionally through the Provincial Law Enforcement Torch Run program, comprised of police officers from various police agencies across Nova Scotia.
As a member of the LETR, I encourage each of you to take part in this worthwhile fundraising event. You can register to plunge, make a donation, and/or come down to Halifax Grand Parade Square on Saturday, February 24th, at 12 noon, to support this very special event.
To register or donate www.nsletr.ca
Thank you to everyone who has already registered/donated. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Sincerely, Sgt Kim Robinson, Halifax Regional Police