2018 Provincial Summer Games June 8-10 SMU & DAL

The Special Olympics Nova Scotia Provincial Summer Games presented by Michelin and the Edwards Family Charitable Foundation will be hosted June 8-10th at Saint Mary’s University (SMU) and Dalhousie (DAL) in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Special thanks to the Canadian Progress Club of Halifax for the sponsorship of our Golf Tournament.

Volunteers are encouraged to apply by completing the form and returning it to Vanessa Robertson  vrobertson@sportnovascotia.ca or they can call 902-429-2266 x 6

2018 Summer Games Volunteer Application – fillable

2018 Summer Games Schedule – 2018 Summer Games 

Presented By Michelin North America Canada Inc and the Edwards Family Charitable Foundation

Special Olympics Nova Scotia - Sponsor Michelin
Special Olympics Nova Scotia - Sponsor Law Enforcement Torch Run NS