News from the Regions

News from the Regions
Our athletes kept busy, helping other organizations achieve their goals.

Matthew Swims THREE times!
Congratulations to Mathew Hunter of the Cobequid Region who participated in Swim the Harbours and Lakes for United Way. Matthew has participated in the swim for United Way since 2017. Swimming with Special Olympics for over 20 years, he took on Kearney Lake, Long Lake and Chester, each in a 1.5 km swim. Congrats Matthew!

Pie anyone?
Donnie Maclean from the Annapolis Region, challenged Premier Stephen McNeil to a “Pie in the Face” for the Inclusive Opportunities Association. Never lost for words, Donnie realized his goal of raising $5,000 and Premier McNeil stepped up to the challenge. Check it out here!

Rock the Ice
Special Olympics activity has been extremely limited in 2020.  The Clare Region curling team felt truly fortunate to participate in the Annual Annapolis Bonspiel just before the province went into a state of emergency and all Special Olympics Programs were put on hold in mid-March.

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2020 – Not Stopping Us

Our athletes have been keeping in touch on social media and staying fit throughout 2020. Coaches and volunteers have been participating in virtual training sessions with Matt Quinn. Matt’s focus is sharing the necessary procedures to ensure everyone can safely resume training sessions.