Will you join the LETR Fans in The Stands in Halifax on Friday July 27th in the Grand Parade Square? Join us to celebrate the launch of the Law Enforcement Special Olympics Flame of Hope to tour Nova Scotia at 9am. Cheer on #TeamNS Athletes and the tremendous LETR team as they begin their 5 day tour through Nova Scotia Communities. The final stop on the LETR Flame of Hope Run will be the Sold Out Opening Ceremonies in Antigonish on July 31st at 8pm.
Support our the Law Enforcement Torch Runners along with Special Olympic, Athlete Erin Magee who will be taking the Special Olympic “Flame of Hope” around our province. Make sure to stay connected as the LETR Flame Of Hope Run stops in selected communities and historic places. TeamNS will be posting on Instagram #SpecialO2018. Please help build awareness of Erin’s talents and the entire team of 147 Athletes at the National Summer games. Post your support and pictures on social media using the hashtag #SO2018! Follow the #FlameOfHopeNS.
We are so proud of all our Athletes , Coaches, Families and Volunteers as we represent the largest team EVER in the National Summer Games! #ChallengeAccepted