As we celebrate Canada’s one hundred and fifty-first birthday and the fiftieth Anniversary of the founding of the Special Olympics Global movement, our countdown has begun. The #SO2018 National Summer Games is only thirty-one days away!
July has arrived and it is CANADA SUMMER GAMES MONTH!
There is no better way to celebrate our Canadian Athletes than to recognize the community support across Canada. Over 900 athletes, 290 coaches, officials and mission staff, and 600 volunteers are gearing up for the Canadian National Summer Games. Athletes guiding Athletes, Coaches and Chef’s de Mission are counting down their final training days. Here are some of their inspiring efforts including:
- Swimming Olympian Penny Oleksiak poolside coaching in Toronto, Ontario
- St. John’s, Newfoundland’s Athlete Lucas Antle’s plan is to have fun!
- Watch Maxtin Lengyel’s from British Columbia, prepares for his dream of competing in #SO2018
- Pictou, Nova Scotia lends a hand and donates to the Antigonish Summer Games
- The LETR ‘Guardians of the Flame’ in Wawa, Ontario carry the Flame of Hope to support Athletes
- TeamNS trains to make a splash in Antigonish at the #SO2108 summer games
- Celebration of Athletic heroes from the Golden Opportunities Vocational Rehabilitation Centre in Amherst, Nova Scotia at the NS Provincial summer games
Follow our #TeamNS Athletes, Coaches and Mission staff on our Special Olympics Nova Scotia 2018 Team Facebook page here.
Don’t forget to keep up-to-date with our Team Nova Scotia (TeamNS), events and results at the Antigonish National Summer Games 2018 by subscribing to our e-newsletter here!